Is Your Marketing Plan Ready for an Update?

With summer vacations over and schools back in session, marketing plan "season" is fast approaching. This is a time when you reflect on the effectiveness of your business marketing programs. You will be planning to improve performance of some marketing programs, discontinue some, and try others for the first time.

Each Marketing Plan is Unique

For those writing a marketing plan for the first time, it is important to know that there is no "magic formula" to an effective marketing plan. Formats and procedures vary widely, and your marketing plan will be one-of-a-kind.

Your company, customers, competitors, and suppliers interact to create a unique and ever-changing business environment. Because of this, your marketing plan should also be unique and frequently changing. What worked wonderfully for one company may be a dismal failure for you. What worked yesterday for you may not be the thing for you to do today. By thinking of your plan as a unique and perpetual work in progress, you can be better prepared to change direction when the business environment changes.

A Plan Makes a Profitable Difference

Ultimately, your marketing plan is a compass by which you navigate your day-to-day business. As opportunities arise or your business environment changes, the objective and strategies in your marketing plan will point you toward the best action. Without a marketing plan, you are guessing what might be best for your business. And don’t forget to address your Web site in the marketing plan. Without a marketing plan your Web site may be a drain on your finances rather than a business builder.

Also, understand you do not need a marketing degree and a lot of experience to update or create a marketing plan for your business. Once you have a structure to follow, the rest is a matter of rolling up your sleeves and getting it done. There is no single approach to developing a marketing plan. There is a wide selection of books, toolkits, and software to help you through the planning process. Some approaches require a great deal of time and others are "quick and dirty." All can be applied to your business as a whole, an individual product, or your Web site.

So, in all the hustle and bustle of everyday business activities, don’t forget to take the time to update an existing marketing plan or write a new one. Your future profits depend on it!

With summer vacations over and schools back in session, marketing plan "season" is fast approaching. This is a time when you reflect on the effectiveness of your business marketing programs. You will be planning to improve performance of some marketing programs, discontinue some, and try others for the first time. Each Marketing Plan is Unique as

What Does SEO Stand For

SEO stands for Special Equipment Operator? Senior Executive Officer? Sponsors for Educational Opportunity? Special Equipment Operator? State Engineers Office? Seasoned Equity Offering? Software Engineering Organization? Society of Education Officers? Special Equipment Option? Security Engineering Officer? Special Exemption Order? OK, OK let's get serious here. South Eastern Ohio? Sorry I'm done now. Actually all of these are actual acronyms for SEO but not the one we want to talk about here.

First a quick dictionary definition: "The term used to describe the marketing technique of preparing a website to enhance its chances of being ranked in the top results of a search engine once a relevant search is undertaken. A number of factors are important when optimizing a website, including the content and structure of the website's copy and page layout, the HTML meta-tags and the submission process."

Search Engine Optimization. SEO is a critical skill to learn if you want your Web site to rank well in free search engine listings. E-commerce sites are notoriously difficult to optimize for high rankings due to a number of factors that hinder their ability to rank well, including poor shopping cart designs, lack of content, poor linking structures, lack of inbound links, etc. This is the place to learn how to build or modify your Web site to achieve better rankings in the free listings Google™, MSN™, Yahoo! ™ as well as in other popular search engines.

Content is one of the biggest influences on the success of your search Engine Optimization program. There is a saying that content is king and this is true whether it is for your optimized web pages, you're paid advertising message, or your optimized news releases. Search engine optimization is a lot like weight loss. The one big difference being that when you get SEO right it usually doesn't come back to haunt you after a few years. You've got some things that are effective and some that are not, and it's hard to trust the claims of one over the other. You want to believe the great-results-with-no-effort claims, and you hope they are true... but are they worth wasting your time and money on.

Search engine optimization is a lot like weight loss. The one big difference being that when you get SEO right it usually doesn't come back to haunt you after a few years. You've got some things that are effective and some that are not, and it's hard to trust the claims of one over the other. You want to believe the great-results-with-no-effort claims, and you hope they are true... but are they worth wasting your time and money on.

Did you know that most search engines can't "read" graphics? Did you also know that key search words and phrases in your "title tag", "META tags" (in the HTML script of your site) and body text are often very important references that search engines analyze when ranking web sites for search relevancy? Optimizing your title tags, Meta tags and your body text for search engines gives it a much better chance of ranking highly for particular words or phrases that you would expect potential visitors to type in to search engines to find your site.

SEO stands for Special Equipment Operator? Senior Executive Officer? Sponsors for Educational Opportunity? Special Equipment Operator? State Engineers Office? Seasoned Equity Offering? Software Engineering Organization? Society of Education Officers? Special Equipment Option? Security Engineering Officer? Special Exemption Order? OK, OK let's get serious here. South Eastern Ohio? Sorry I'm done now

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